Attend the conference "Social Media: Risks & Rewards" this September 21,2009, Harvard Club of New York City , New York, NY.

Social Media is a powerful tool that is rapidly gaining acceptance as the next revolution in business communication. There are, however, significant potential risks associated with this phenomenon that you need to examine today.

As social media become more and more a common business practice, you must develop sound social media policies, best practices and be fully aware of the potential legal issues surrounding this coming-of-age medium.

This comprehensive, dynamic event will explore the inherent challenges of social media and will arm you with the specific tools necessary to protect your company, your intellectual property and your reputation in today’s virtual world. Find out how to safeguard yourself and your business through insightful sessions focused on:

* The Social Media Sensation: Pressure to Keep up in the Digital Age
* Exposure, Liability and Consequences of Your Business and Social Media
* Develop your Company’s Corporate Policy for Social Media
* Protecting your Company’s Identity in a Virtual World
* Risks from Employees Past, Present and Future
* Safeguarding your Company’s Intellectual Property
* Best Practices for Social Media

For additional information, please contact:

Judy Kelly
Judy.Kelly at

For sponsorship information, please contact:

Rob Hafiz
rob.hafiz at

For marketing information, please contact:

Cheryl Kahan-Radhuber
Cheryl.Kahan-Radhuber at

or visit their website